~ Charles Limb
WHERE innovation HAPPENS
Klein Design is a digital agency with a flair for dynamic visuals and interactive communications. In today's world, the art and science of marketing is more complex and challenging than ever before. Finding better connections and delivering the right results takes strategic thinking and strong design execution. That’s what we offer at Klein Design. From online applications to rich media, we’ve developed real world expertise in cross-media communications that includes social media savvy and SEO smarts. We invite you to experience it for yourself.
Please note:
I have taken a full-time role as a Senior Designer at Clear Digital, Inc. I will continue to consider projects for the outdoor industry as well as for non-profits. If you are interested in working with me outside of these industries, you can find me at Clear Digital >

First in wellness
BRANDED ARTWORK > In a year of exhausted first responders, we were fortunate enough to help brand a new company who is on track to assist these heros.